(NaturalNews) Selama ribuan tahun, cendawan yang dikenali sebagai Cordyceps telah digunakan dalam perubatan tradisional China untuk mengubati masalah bermula daripada batuk dan kelelahan untuk impotensi dan kanser. Dan sekali saintis Barat mula mempertimbangkan bahawa laporan anekdotal kuasa kuratif cendawan mungkin bisa sesuatu yang lebih dari "cerita rakyat", penyelidikan mula mengumpul bahawa belakang atas tuntutan kuno banyak tentang manfaat kesihatan Cordyceps '. Sebagai contoh, para saintis dari University of Nottingham di Great Britain mengatakan mereka telah didokumentasikan bagaimana Cordiceps dapat melawan kanser - dan penemuan baru dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan rawatan kanser yang diturunkan dari cendawan.
Untuk kajian itu, yang diterbitkan dalam Journal of Biological Chemistry, Dr Cornelia de Moor dari University of Nottingham dan rakan meneliti ubat yang disebut cordycepin, yang awalnya dihasilkan dari Cordyceps tumbuh liar dan sekarang dibuat dari bentuk cendawan yang ditanamkan .
"Kerana kendala teknikal dan orang-orang pindah ke mata pelajaran lain, ini perlu waktu lama untuk mengetahui dengan tepat bagaimana cordycepin bekerja pada sel. Dengan pengetahuan ini, maka akan mungkin untuk memprediksi apa jenis kanser mungkin sensitif dan apa ubat kanser lain secara efektif boleh menggabungkan dengan. Hal ini juga boleh meletakkan dasar untuk desain ubat kanser baru yang bekerja pada prinsip yang sama, "kata Dr de Moor dalam sebuah kenyataan kepada media.
Para saintis dari Universiti Nottingham mendapati bahawa perlakuan yang diturunkan dari Cordyceps mempunyai dua kesan penting pada sel yang boleh mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tumor ganas. Pada dosis rendah, cordycepin menghalang pertumbuhan yang tidak terkawal dan pembahagian sel sedangkan pada dosis tinggi mencegah sel-sel dari pelekatan bersama, pada dasarnya menghalang sel-sel dari tumbuh.
Pasukan penyelidik menyimpulkan bahawa masing-masing kesan yang paling mungkin adalah hasil dari sebuah mekanisme asas tunggal - cordycepin mengganggu dengan bagaimana sel membuat protein. Secara khusus, dosis rendah perlakuan yang diturunkan dari cendawan mengganggu pengeluaran mRNA (molekul yang mengarahkan sel untuk merakit protein) dan di cordycepin dosis yang lebih tinggi secara terus berinteraksi dengan pembuatan protein.
"Penemuan kami akan membuka kemungkinan menyiasat pelbagai kanser yang berbeza yang boleh diubati dengan cordycepin," ujar Dr de Moor. "Kami juga telah membangunkan kaedah yang sangat berkesan yang boleh digunakan untuk menguji versi baru dan lebih efisien atau lebih stabil ubat di dish.This Petri adalah sebuah keuntungan besar kerana akan membolehkan kita untuk menyingkirkan semua non-pelari sebelum orang menganggap menguji mereka pada haiwan. "
Lebih Cordyceps berita
Para saintis di Dalhousie University di Halifax, Nova Scotia, penyelidikan diterbitkan dalam edisi November 30 jurnal Cancer Immunology, Imunoterapi menunjukkan bahawa Cordyceps oral boleh mengurangkan berlakunya kanser merebak ke paru-paru pada kanser payudara metastatik. Walaupun para penyelidik mendapati bahawa Cordyceps tidak mengurangkan pertumbuhan tumor payudara primer, mereka mencatatkan bahawa kematian akibat kanser payudara adalah terutamanya kerana perkembangan Metastasis. Itu berarti perubatan yang menghentikan penyebaran tumor Metastasis boleh menyelamatkan hidup yang tak terhitung jumlahnya.
Walaupun pelbagai terapi perubatan saat ini ada yang cuba untuk menghentikan pertumbuhan tumor Metastasis barah, mereka mempunyai kesan yang kecil - jadi ini membuat kajian Dalhousie University ke Cordyceps sangat penting. Para penyelidik Kanada menyatakan bukti mereka setakat ini menunjukkan bahawa cendawan mengurangkan pertumbuhan Metastasis kerana kesan Cordyceps 'pada kitaran sel tumor.
Al-Insaan Sdn Bhd (syarikat kongsi ‘Lo Hong Ka International’) sebuah syarikat baru dan dinamik yang ditubuhkan pada Ogos 2008 bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah platform untuk pengusaha-pengusaha yang baru memulakan perniagaan mereka dengan kadar risiko dan modal yang rendah serta potensi pulangan yang lebih lumayan. Baca seterusnya :- |
Scientists discover how Cordyceps mushrooms fight cancer
NaturalNews) For thousands of years, the mushroom known as Cordyceps has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat problems ranging from coughs and fatigue to impotence and cancer. And once Western scientists started considering that anecdotal reports of the mushroom's curative powers might be something more than "folk tales", research started accumulating that backs up many ancient claims about Cordyceps' health benefits. For example, scientists from the University of Nottingham in Great Britain say they've documented how Cordiceps can fightcancer -- and the new discovery could increase the effectiveness of mushroom-derived cancer treatments.
For the study, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Dr. Cornelia de Moor of the University of Nottingham and her colleagues investigated a drug called cordycepin, which was originally extracted from wild growing Cordyceps and is now prepared from a cultivated form of the mushroom.
"Because of technical obstacles and people moving on to other subjects, it's taken a long time to figure out exactly how cordycepin works on cells. With this knowledge, it will be possible to predict what types of cancers might be sensitive and what other cancer drugs it may effectively combine with. It could also lay the groundwork for the design of new cancer drugs that work on the same principle," Dr. de Moor said in a statement to the media.
The University of Nottingham scientists found that the Cordyceps-derived treatment has two important effects on cells that could impact the growth of malignant tumors. At low doses, cordycepin inhibits the uncontrolled growth and division of cells while at high doses it prevents cells from sticking together, essentially blocking the cells from growing.
The research team concluded that each of these effects most likely is the result of a single underlying mechanism -- cordycepin interferes with how cells make proteins. Specifically, low doses of the mushroom-derived treatment interfere with the production of mRNA (the molecule that directs cells to assemble a protein) and at higher doses cordycepin directly interacts with the making of proteins.
"Our discovery will open up the possibility of investigating the range of different cancers that could be treated with cordycepin," Dr de Moor stated. "We have also developed a very effective method that can be used to test new, more efficient or more stable versions of the drug in the Petri dish.This is a great advantage as it will allow us to rule out any non-runners before anyone considers testing them in animals."
Although various medical therapies currently exist that attempt to stop the growth of cancerous metastatic tumors, they have little effect -- so this makes the Dalhousie University research into Cordyceps very important. The Canadian researchers stated the evidence they have so far suggests that the mushroom reduces the growth of metastases due to Cordyceps' effects on the tumors' cell cycles.
For the study, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Dr. Cornelia de Moor of the University of Nottingham and her colleagues investigated a drug called cordycepin, which was originally extracted from wild growing Cordyceps and is now prepared from a cultivated form of the mushroom.
"Because of technical obstacles and people moving on to other subjects, it's taken a long time to figure out exactly how cordycepin works on cells. With this knowledge, it will be possible to predict what types of cancers might be sensitive and what other cancer drugs it may effectively combine with. It could also lay the groundwork for the design of new cancer drugs that work on the same principle," Dr. de Moor said in a statement to the media.
The University of Nottingham scientists found that the Cordyceps-derived treatment has two important effects on cells that could impact the growth of malignant tumors. At low doses, cordycepin inhibits the uncontrolled growth and division of cells while at high doses it prevents cells from sticking together, essentially blocking the cells from growing.
The research team concluded that each of these effects most likely is the result of a single underlying mechanism -- cordycepin interferes with how cells make proteins. Specifically, low doses of the mushroom-derived treatment interfere with the production of mRNA (the molecule that directs cells to assemble a protein) and at higher doses cordycepin directly interacts with the making of proteins.
"Our discovery will open up the possibility of investigating the range of different cancers that could be treated with cordycepin," Dr de Moor stated. "We have also developed a very effective method that can be used to test new, more efficient or more stable versions of the drug in the Petri dish.This is a great advantage as it will allow us to rule out any non-runners before anyone considers testing them in animals."
More Cordyceps news
Scientists at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, published research in the November 30th edition of the journal Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy showing that oral Cordyceps can reduce the occurrence of cancer spreading to the lungs in metastatic breast cancer. Although the researchers found that Cordyceps does not reduce the growth of the primary breast tumor, they noted that deaths from breast cancer are primarily due to the development of metastases. That means a treatment that stops the spread of metastatic tumors could save countless lives.Although various medical therapies currently exist that attempt to stop the growth of cancerous metastatic tumors, they have little effect -- so this makes the Dalhousie University research into Cordyceps very important. The Canadian researchers stated the evidence they have so far suggests that the mushroom reduces the growth of metastases due to Cordyceps' effects on the tumors' cell cycles.
Cordyceps Supplements
Cordyceps sinensis is a type of fungus that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. Cordyceps is also known as Chinese catepillar fungus, because it is a parasite that grows on the Tibetan caterpillar until the caterpillar dies, at which point it sprouts a mushroom. (Don’t worry, most cordyceps produced commercially in Western countries is actually grown on plant sources, such as soybeans.) The Chinese have long used cordyceps to promote overall good health, and modern research indicates that cordyceps does indeed support
liver, kidney, heart, and immune system function. It also appears to act as an antioxidant in the body, protecting it from free radical damage.
Cordyceps sinensis has a reputation as a powerful
Cordyceps sinensis has a reputation as a powerful
aphrodisiac. Recent studies performed i
n both China and Japan demonstrated a 64 percent success rate among men suffering from impotence. Scientists have isolated two chemical constituents in cordyceps, (deoxyadenosine) and cordycepic acid (mannitol), which are thought to be the active compounds that increase sex drive. These same compounds are also thought to improve lung function and increase energy levels; it is well known that Chinese athletes use cordyceps to help increase their stamina and endurance. It has been theorized that cordyceps enhances athletic performance because it helps it increases blood flow and oxygen supplies throughout the body, which helps the heart, lungs, and other organs function more efficiently. In one study published in Medicine & Science in Sport
s & Exercise, researchers reported that athletes who took 4.5 grams of cordyceps daily for six weeks had double the rate of oxygen intake as those in the placebo group.
Cordyceps gathered in the wild, particularly in the Tibetan regions,is thought to
Cordyceps gathered in the wild, particularly in the Tibetan regions,is thought to
be the most medicinally potent. You can buy wild cordyceps in some Chinese specialty stores, still attached to the caterpillar. However, this form is expens
ive, and costs up to $10 a gram. In addition, there is some concern that imported wild cordyceps may carry the risk of lead poisoning, because some fungus harvesters attach a lead filament to caterpillar-grown cordyceps in order to increase its weight and get a higher price. Dietary supplements containing cordyceps are a safer and less-expensive alternative, and are not associated with any significant side effects. Cordyceps is available in capsule, extract, and tincture forms at health food stores and from online distributors. The suggested dosage is 2 to 3 grams each day with meals.
Apa itu Cordyceps ???
Cordyceps sinesis ialah sejenis fungus atau cendawan yang tumbuh subur di kawasan pergunungan yang mempunyai ketinggian melebihi 3500 meter dari paras laut. Ia banyak di perolehi di pergunungan China, Tibet, Nepasl dan Himalaya.
Cordyceps sineses di kategorikan sebagai salah satu herba yang sangat bernilai tinggi dalam perubatan tradisional China dan sains perubatan moden.
Cacing@Ulat Musim Sejuk, Rump
ut Musim Panas
Cordyceps juga dikenali sebagai cendawan ulat bulu. Dalam masyarakat China, ia dipanggil DongChongXiaCao yang bermaksud 'Musim sejuk ulat, musim panas rumput'
Semasa musim sejuk, spora Cordyceps memasuki badan larva dan memperolehi makanan daripada badan larva itu sehingga larva akan mati.Semasa musim panas, cendawan akan tumbuh dari badan larva tersebut. Tinggi antara 3cm-10cm. Cendawan ini dinamakan Cordyceps.
Semasa musim sejuk, spora Cordyceps memasuki badan larva dan memperolehi makanan daripada badan larva itu sehingga larva akan mati.Semasa musim panas, cendawan akan tumbuh dari badan larva tersebut. Tinggi antara 3cm-10cm. Cendawan ini dinamakan Cordyceps.
Penggunaan Cordyceps dalam perubatan China mula direkodkan dalam "Ben-Cao-Cong-Xin" (New Compilation
of Materia Medica) oleh Wu-Yiluo semasa Dinasti Qing.
Orang China menggunakan Cordyceps sejak 3000 tahun lalu untuk merawat masalah paru-paru, hati, jantung dan penyakit buah pinggang, merawat barah, melegakan sakit, dan meningkatkan kesihatan dan panjang usia.
Cordyceps dijadikan ramuan herba utama dalam sejarah Maharaja China untuk menguatkan badan, mati pucuk, kelesuan akibat penyakit dan sakit badan.
Orang China menggunakan Cordyceps sejak 3000 tahun lalu untuk merawat masalah paru-paru, hati, jantung dan penyakit buah pinggang, merawat barah, melegakan sakit, dan meningkatkan kesihatan dan panjang usia.
Cordyceps dijadikan ramuan herba utama dalam sejarah Maharaja China untuk menguatkan badan, mati pucuk, kelesuan akibat penyakit dan sakit badan.
Menggunakan kaedah penapaian (pemerapan) cecair. Ia dipasarkan dalam bentuk kapsul, wain atau minuman biasa.
Saintis Jepun dan Korea menggunakan puma ulat sutera sebagai asas penanaman stroma (fruit body) cordyceps.
Perkembangan Terkini :
Saintis telah berjaya menjadikan penanaman stroma berasaskan kepada perantaraan organik. Ini adalah penanaman tercanggih Cordyceps dengan menggunakan kaedah teknologi pada tertinggi. Hanya sed
Menggunakan kaedah penapaian (pemerapan) cecair. Ia dipasarkan dalam bentuk kapsul, wain atau minuman biasa.
Saintis Jepun dan Korea menggunakan puma ulat sutera sebagai asas penanaman stroma (fruit body) cordyceps.
Perkembangan Terkini :
Saintis telah berjaya menjadikan penanaman stroma berasaskan kepada perantaraan organik. Ini adalah penanaman tercanggih Cordyceps dengan menggunakan kaedah teknologi pada tertinggi. Hanya sed
ikit benih yang berkualiti dicambah menjadi stroma. Malah elemen yang paling efektif dan kuat hanya terkandung di dalam stroma.
Asia Herbal Biotech Cordyceps Stroma
Penyelidikan peringkat antarabangsa yang telah dipatenkan oleh Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua Unversity, China (No. Paten : WO2005/058022A1) Mengandungi Asid Amino, Vitamin serta kaya dengan polisakarida, asid-cordycepic (D-Mannitol), Adenosine dan Adenine. 100% bebas daripada pewarna tiruan, perasa, racun perosak dan ramuan tiruan. Penanaman bioteknologi terunggul dalam suasana terkawal dan nutrien organik yang unik dalam pembentukkan stroma. 30 kali ganda lebih nutrien berbanding Cordyseps liar mengikut gred kriteria perubatan.
1. Protiens, peptides, semua asid amino dan polyamines.
2. Saccharides
3. Sterois - ergosrerol, Delta-3 ergosterol, ergosterol peroxide, / 3-sotisrerol, daucosterol dan campasterol.
4. 11 kompaun nukleoside.
5. Asid lemak perlu dan asid organik.
6. Vitamin - vitamin Bi, B2, B12, E dan K.
7. Mineral - K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Pi, Se, Al, Si, Ni, Sr, Ti, Cr, Ga.
2. Saccharides
3. Sterois - ergosrerol, Delta-3 ergosterol, ergosterol peroxide, / 3-sotisrerol, daucosterol dan campasterol.
4. 11 kompaun nukleoside.
5. Asid lemak perlu dan asid organik.
6. Vitamin - vitamin Bi, B2, B12, E dan K.
7. Mineral - K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Pi, Se, Al, Si, Ni, Sr, Ti, Cr, Ga.
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